uvex hi-com detec disposable earplugs

Article number: 2112114
EAN/UPC: 4031101469188

uvex hi-com detec – cuts out noise, lets in speech

The innovative shape of the uvex hi-com earplugs reduces the level of sound that normally builds up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection. Integrated cavities result in a larger surface area in the direction of the eardrum. The earplugs provide softer acoustics and absorb disruptive noises – they also allow excellent speech perception. The detec version of the uvex hi-com is easily detectable, both visually and by machines, thanks to its striking blue colour and metal ball.

General features
  • Detectable earplugs with low sound absorption and excellent speech perception
  • Colour: blue
  • Version with cord
Comfort features
  • Reduces level of sound that can build up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection
Protection features
  • Meets standard EN 352-2 and the additional requirement "Warning signal hearing, general" (W)
  • 26 decibels insulation – H: 30 dB, M: 23 dB, L: 18 dB
  • Integration of metal and blue colour enable easy recognition in production areas
  • Metal powder in the cord guarantees full detection
Attribute Value
Product name uvex hi-com
Brand uvex
Product category Safety earplugs
Product type Earplugs
Product family designation uvex hi-com
Size M
Search colour (filter) Blue
Equipment metal powder in the cord
Type With cord
Standard EN 352-2:2020
SNR 26
H value (sound insulation value for high-frequency noise) 30
L value (sound insulation value for low-frequency noise) 18
M value (sound insulation value for medium-frequency noise) 23
Signal detection W
Detectability Yes
Reuse Non-reusable (NR)
Earplug material Polyurethane (PU)
Cord material Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
product series -
Description Specifications Documents

uvex hi-com detec – cuts out noise, lets in speech

The innovative shape of the uvex hi-com earplugs reduces the level of sound that normally builds up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection. Integrated cavities result in a larger surface area in the direction of the eardrum. The earplugs provide softer acoustics and absorb disruptive noises – they also allow excellent speech perception. The detec version of the uvex hi-com is easily detectable, both visually and by machines, thanks to its striking blue colour and metal ball.

General features
  • Detectable earplugs with low sound absorption and excellent speech perception
  • Colour: blue
  • Version with cord
Comfort features
  • Reduces level of sound that can build up in the inner ear when wearing hearing protection
Protection features
  • Meets standard EN 352-2 and the additional requirement "Warning signal hearing, general" (W)
  • 26 decibels insulation – H: 30 dB, M: 23 dB, L: 18 dB
  • Integration of metal and blue colour enable easy recognition in production areas
  • Metal powder in the cord guarantees full detection